====== MailAttachment ======
This object represents an attachment to a [[en:code:data:mail|Mail]].
===== Functions =====
==== MailAttachment ====
Constructor function.
=== Syntax ===
var myObject = new MailAttachment();
var myObject = new MailAttachment(parameters);
=== Arguments ===
- parameters - (object) parameters
* contentType - (string) the content type (see [[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MIME#Content-Type]])
* content - ([[en:code:core:rawdata|RawData]]) the content
===== Methods =====
==== clone ====
Returns a copy of this MailAttachment.
=== Syntax ===
=== Returns ===
* (MailAttachment) a copy of this MailAttachment
=== Example ===
var copyOfMyObject = myObject.clone();
==== equals ====
Returns true if this MailAttachment and another are containing the same data.
=== Syntax ===
=== Arguments ===
- other - (MailAttachment) another MailAttachment
=== Returns ===
* (bool) true if **other** is referencing the same process
=== Example ===
//Do something
==== toString ====
Returns a string representing this MailAttachment.
=== Syntax ===
=== Returns ===
* (string) a string representing this MailAttachment
=== Example ===
=== Notes ===
This method is automatically called when trying to convert a MailAttachment to a string.
===== Enumerations =====
==== KillMode ====
Policy to use when trying to kill a process.
=== Values ===
- Graceful: Linux: send a SIGTERM signal Windows: close all windows owned by this process
- Forceful: Linux: send a SIGKILL signal Windows: use TerminateProcess to kill this process
- GracefulThenForceful: try to kill the process using the graceful technique, wait for timeout and kill it using the forceful technique
==== Priority ====
A process priority.
=== Values ===
- AboveNormal: above normal
- BelowNormal: below normal
- High: high
- Idle: idle
- Normal: normal
- Realtime: realtime