====== Process ======
This object allows you to start and manage a process. (program)
===== Functions =====
==== Process ====
Constructor function.
=== Syntax ===
var myObject = new Process();
var myObject = new Process(parameters);
=== Arguments ===
- parameters - (object) the parameters
* workingDirectory - (string) the working directory
* processChannelMode - ([[#processchannelmode|ProcessChannelMode]]) the process's channel mode
* readChannel - ([[#processchannel|ProcessChannel]]) the process's read channel
* onError - ([[#onError|onError]]) called when an error has occured
* onFinished - ([[#onFinished|onFinished]]) called when the process has finished
* onReadyReadStandardError - ([[#onReadyReadStandardError|onReadyReadStandardError]]) called when the process has data on the standard error channel
* onReadyReadStandardOutput - ([[#onReadyReadStandardOutput|onReadyReadStandardOutput]]) called when the process has data on the standard output channel
* onStarted - ([[#onStarted|onStarted]]) called when the process has started
* onStateChanged - ([[#onStateChanged|onStateChanged]]) called when the process's state has changed
=== Example ===
var myObject = new Process();
var myObject = new Process({
workingDirectory: "/home/user",
onStarted: function()
onFinished: function()
==== list ====
Returns an array of [[en:code:core:processhandle|ProcessHandle]] linked to all running processes.
=== Syntax ===
=== Returns ===
* (array) an array of [[en:code:core:processhandle|ProcessHandle]] linked to all running processes
==== thisProcess ====
Returns a [[en:code:core:processhandle|ProcessHandle]] linked to the Actionaz process.
=== Syntax ===
=== Returns ===
* (array) a [[en:code:core:processhandle|ProcessHandle]] linked to the Actionaz process
==== startDetached ====
Starts a process in detached mode and returns a [[en:code:core:processhandle|ProcessHandle]] linked to it.
You will have lesser control on the process than in attached mode, but it will be independent of the current execution.
=== Syntax ===
Process.startDetached(filename, parameters);
Process.startDetached(filename, parameters, workingDirectory);
=== Arguments ===
- filename - (string) the filename/command of the process to start
- parameters - (array) an array of parameters
- workingDirectory - (string) the working directory
=== Returns ===
* (array) a [[en:code:core:processhandle|ProcessHandle]] linked to the started process
=== Exceptions ===
* (FilenameError) invalid filename
* (StartProcessError) unable to start the process
===== Methods =====
==== handle ====
Returns a [[en:code:core:processhandle|ProcessHandle]] linked to the started process
=== Syntax ===
=== Returns ===
* ([[en:code:core:processhandle|ProcessHandle]]) a [[en:code:core:processhandle|ProcessHandle]] linked to the started process
==== id ====
Returns the process id of the started process.
=== Syntax ===
=== Returns ===
* (integer) the process id of the started process
==== start ====
Starts the process.
=== Syntax ===
myObject.start(filename, parameters);
myObject.start(filename, parameters, openMode);
=== Arguments ===
- filename - (string) the filename/command of the process to start
- parameters - (array) an array of parameters
- openMode - ([[#openmode|OpenMode]]) the open mode to use (default: read and write)
=== Returns ===
* (Process) this Process
=== Exceptions ===
* (FilenameError) invalid filename
==== state ====
Returns the state of the started process.
=== Syntax ===
=== Returns ===
* ([[#processstate|ProcessState]]) the state of the started process
==== error ====
Returns the error state of the started process.
=== Syntax ===
=== Returns ===
* ([[#processerror|ProcessError]]) the error state of the started process
==== exitCode ====
Returns the process's exit code.
=== Syntax ===
=== Returns ===
* (integer) the process's exit code
==== exitStatus ====
Returns the process's exit status.
=== Syntax ===
=== Returns ===
* ([[#exitstatus|ExitStatus]]) the process's exit status
==== readError ====
Returns the content of the standard error output as a [[en:code:core:rawdata|RawData]].
=== Syntax ===
=== Returns ===
* ([[en:code:core:rawdata|RawData]]) the content of the standard error output as a [[en:code:core:rawdata|RawData]]
==== read ====
Returns the content of the standard output as a [[en:code:core:rawdata|RawData]].
=== Syntax ===
=== Returns ===
* ([[en:code:core:rawdata|RawData]]) the content of the standard output as a [[en:code:core:rawdata|RawData]]
==== readErrorText ====
Returns the content of the standard error output as text.
=== Syntax ===
=== Arguments ===
- encoding - ([[en:code:core:global#encoding|Encoding]]) the encoding to use
=== Returns ===
* (string) the content of the standard error output as text
==== readText ====
Returns the content of the standard output as text.
=== Syntax ===
=== Arguments ===
- encoding - ([[en:code:core:global#encoding|Encoding]]) the encoding to use
=== Returns ===
* (string) the content of the standard output as text
==== atEnd ====
Returns true if the process is not running and if no data can be read.
=== Syntax ===
=== Returns ===
* (boolean) true if the process is not running and if no data can be read
==== bytesAvailable ====
Returns the number of bytes that can be read.
=== Syntax ===
=== Returns ===
* (integer) the number of bytes that can be read
==== bytesToWrite ====
Returns the number of bytes that are still to be written.
=== Syntax ===
=== Returns ===
* (integer) the number of bytes that are still to be written
==== canReadLine ====
Returns true if a line can be read.
=== Syntax ===
=== Returns ===
* (boolean) true if a line can be read
==== write ====
Writes some data to the process.
=== Syntax ===
=== Arguments ===
- data - (mixed) the data to write
=== Returns ===
* (Process) this Process
==== writeText ====
Writes text to the process.
=== Syntax ===
myObject.writeText(text, encoding);
=== Arguments ===
- text - (string) the text to write
- encoding - ([[en:code:core:global#encoding|Encoding]]) the encoding to use
=== Returns ===
* (Process) this Process
==== setWorkingDirectory ====
Sets the working directory. This only works when the process is not already started.
=== Syntax ===
=== Arguments ===
- workingDirectory - (string) the text to write
=== Returns ===
* (Process) this Process
==== setProcessChannelMode ====
Sets process's channel mode. This only works when the process is not already started.
=== Syntax ===
=== Arguments ===
- channelMode - ([[#processchannelmode|ProcessChannelMode]]) the process's channel mode
=== Returns ===
* (Process) this Process
==== setEnvironment ====
Sets the process's environment variables. This only works when the process is not already started.
=== Syntax ===
=== Arguments ===
- environment - (object) the process's environment variable
=== Returns ===
* (Process) this Process
=== Example ===
PATH: "c:\\;c:\\path",
MYVAR: "hello"
==== updateEnvironment ====
Updates the process's environment variables. This only works when the process is not already started.
=== Syntax ===
=== Arguments ===
- environment - (object) the process's environment variable
=== Returns ===
* (Process) this Process
=== Example ===
PATH: "c:\\;c:\\path",
MYVAR: "hello"
==== setReadChannel ====
Sets process's read channel.
=== Syntax ===
=== Arguments ===
- channel - ([[#processchannel|ProcessChannel]]) the process's read channel
=== Returns ===
* (Process) this Process
==== setStandardErrorFile ====
Sets the standard error file.
=== Syntax ===
myObject.setStandardErrorFile(fileName, openMode);
=== Arguments ===
- fileName - (string) the filename
- channel - ([[#openmode|OpenMode]]) the file's open mode (default: Truncate)
=== Returns ===
* (Process) this Process
==== setStandardInputFile ====
Sets the standard input file.
=== Syntax ===
=== Arguments ===
- fileName - (string) the filename
=== Returns ===
* (Process) this Process
==== setStandardOutputFile ====
Sets the standard output file.
=== Syntax ===
myObject.setStandardOutputFile(fileName, openMode);
=== Arguments ===
- fileName - (string) the filename
- channel - ([[#openmode|OpenMode]]) the file's open mode (default: Truncate)
=== Returns ===
* (Process) this Process
==== setStandardOutputProcess ====
Sets the standard output process.
=== Syntax ===
=== Arguments ===
- process - (Process) the output process
=== Returns ===
* (Process) this Process
=== Exceptions ===
* (InvalidProcessError) invalid process
==== waitForFinished ====
Freezes the execution until the process has finished.
=== Syntax ===
=== Arguments ===
- waitTime - (integer) the time to wait (milliseconds, default: 30000)
=== Returns ===
* (Process) this Process
=== Exceptions ===
* (WaitForFinishedError) wait for finished failed
==== waitForStarted ====
Freezes the execution until the process has started.
=== Syntax ===
=== Arguments ===
- waitTime - (integer) the time to wait (milliseconds, default: 30000)
=== Returns ===
* (Process) this Process
=== Exceptions ===
* (WaitForStartedError) wait for started failed
==== waitForBytesWritten ====
Freezes the execution until the data has been written.
=== Syntax ===
=== Arguments ===
- waitTime - (integer) the time to wait (milliseconds, default: 30000)
=== Returns ===
* (Process) this Process
=== Exceptions ===
* (WaitForBytesWrittenError) wait for bytes written failed
==== waitForReadyRead ====
Freezes the execution until data is available.
=== Syntax ===
=== Arguments ===
- waitTime - (integer) the time to wait (milliseconds, default: 30000)
=== Returns ===
* (Process) this Process
=== Exceptions ===
* (WaitForReadyReadError) wait for ready read failed
==== close ====
Tries to close the process gracefully.
=== Syntax ===
=== Returns ===
* (Process) this Process
==== kill ====
Kills the process.
=== Syntax ===
=== Returns ===
* (Process) this Process
==== terminate ====
Terminates the process.
=== Syntax ===
=== Returns ===
* (Process) this Process
===== Events =====
==== onError ====
Called when an error occured.
=== Syntax ===
myObject.onError = function(processError) {};
=== Arguments ===
- processError - ([[#processerror|ProcessError]]) the process error that has occured
=== Example ===
myObject.onError = function(processError)
//Event action
==== onFinished ====
Called when the process has finished.
=== Syntax ===
myObject.onFinished = function(exitCode, exitStatus) {};
=== Arguments ===
- exitCode - (integer) the process's exit code
- exitStatus - ([[#exitstatus|ExitStatus]]) the process's exit status
=== Example ===
myObject.onFinished = function(exitCode, exitStatus)
//Event action
==== onReadyReadStandardError ====
Called when there is data available on the standard error output.
=== Syntax ===
myObject.onReadyReadStandardError = function() {};
=== Example ===
myObject.onReadyReadStandardError = function()
//Event action
==== onReadyReadStandardOutput ====
Called when there is data available on the standard output.
=== Syntax ===
myObject.onReadyReadStandardOutput = function() {};
=== Example ===
myObject.onReadyReadStandardOutput = function()
//Event action
==== onStarted ====
Called when the process has started executing.
=== Syntax ===
myObject.onStarted = function() {};
=== Example ===
myObject.onStarted = function()
//Event action
==== onStateChanged ====
Called when the process's state has changed.
=== Syntax ===
myObject.onStateChanged = function(newState) {};
=== Arguments ===
- newState - ([[#processstate|ProcessState]]) the process's state
=== Example ===
myObject.onStateChanged = function(newState)
//Event action
===== Enumerations =====
==== ProcessError ====
A process error.
=== Values ===
- FailedToStart: the file cannot be found or insufficient permissions
- Crashed: the process has crashed after having started successfully
- Timedout: the last waitFor... method failed
- WriteError: the process is not running or it may have closed it's input channel
- ReadError: the process is not running
- UnknownError: an unknown error has occured
==== ExitStatus ====
The process's exit status.
=== Values ===
- NormalExit: the process finished normally
- CrashExit: the process crashed
==== ProcessState ====
The process's status.
=== Values ===
- NotRunning: the process is not running
- Starting: the process is starting
- Running: the process is running
==== ProcessChannel ====
A process's channel.
=== Values ===
- StandardOutput: the standard output channel
- StandardError: the standard error output channel
==== ProcessChannelMode ====
A process's channel mode.
=== Values ===
- SeparateChannels: the standard error and output channels are separated
- MergedChannels: the standard error channel is redirected to the the standard output channel
- ForwardedChannels: the output of both channels is redirected to the parent process
==== OpenMode ====
A process's channel open mode.
=== Values ===
- ReadOnly: process channel opened for reading only
- WriteOnly: process channel opened for writing only
- ReadWrite: process channel opened for reading and writing
- Truncate: process channel opened for writing, erases any previous content
- Text: process channel opened in text mode
- Unbuffered: process channel opened in unbuffered mode