====== FileDialog ====== This object represents a window allowing the user to choose a file. ===== Functions ===== ==== FileDialog ==== Constructor function. === Syntax === var myObject = new FileDialog(); var myObject = new FileDialog(parameters); === Arguments === - parameters - (object) window parameters * title - (string) the window's title * position - ([[en:code:core:point|Point]]) the window's position * opacity - (float) the window's opacity * enabled - (boolean) the window's enabled status * visible - (boolean) the window's visible status * acceptMode - ([[#acceptmode|AcceptMode]]) the file accept mode * fileMode - ([[#filemode|FileMode]]) the file mode * viewMode - ([[#viewmode|ViewMode]]) the view mode * selectedFile - (string) the default selected file * selectedNameFilter - (string) the default selected name filter * defaultSuffix - (string) the default file suffix * directory - (string) the default directory * filter - ([[#filter|Filter]]) the filter * nameFilter - (string) the name filter * nameFilters - (array) an array of name filters to use * showDirectoriesOnly - (boolean) show directories only * dontResolveSymlinks - (boolean) do not resolve symbolic links (Linux only) * dontConfirmOverwrite - (boolean) do not confirm overwrite * dontUseNativeDialog - (boolean) do not use the native dialog * readOnly - (boolean) show read-only files (Windows only) * hideNameFilterDetails - (boolean) hide the name filter details * sidebarUrls - (array) an array of urls shown on the side bar * onClosed - ([[#onclosed|OnClosed]] event called when the window is closed * onCurrentChanged - ([[#oncurrentchanged|OnCurrentChanged]] event called when the current selection changed * onDirectoryEntered - ([[#ondirectoryentered|OnDirectoryEntered]] event called when the current directory changed * onFileSelected - ([[#onfileselected|OnFileSelected]] event called when the window is closed * onFileSelected - ([[#onfilesselected|OnFilesSelected]] event called when the window is closed * onFilterSelected - ([[#onfilterselected|OnFilterSelected]] event called when a filter is selected === Exceptions === * (ParameterTypeError) incorrect parameter type * (ParameterCountError) incorrect parameter count === Example === var myObject = new FileDialog(); var myObject = new FileDialog({ title: "Select a file", acceptMode: FileDialog.Open }); ===== Methods ===== ==== setTitle ==== Sets the window's title. === Syntax === myObject.setTitle(title); === Arguments === - title - (string) the window's title === Returns === * (FileDialog) this FileDialog ==== setPosition ==== Sets the window's position. === Syntax === myObject.setPosition(point); === Arguments === - point - ([[en:code:core:point|Point]]) the window's position === Returns === * (FileDialog) this FileDialog ==== setOpacity ==== Sets the window's opacity. === Syntax === myObject.setOpacity(opacity); === Arguments === - opacity - (float) the window's opacity === Returns === * (FileDialog) this FileDialog ==== setEnabled ==== Sets the window's enabled status. === Syntax === myObject.setEnabled(enabled); === Arguments === - enabled - (boolean) the window's enabled status === Returns === * (FileDialog) this FileDialog ==== setVisible ==== Sets the window's visible status. === Syntax === myObject.setVisible(visible); === Arguments === - visible - (boolean) the window's visible status === Returns === * (FileDialog) this FileDialog ==== close ==== Closes the window. === Syntax === myObject.close(); === Returns === * (FileDialog) this FileDialog ==== title ==== Returns the window's title. === Syntax === myObject.title(); === Returns === * (string) the window's title ==== position ==== Returns the window's position. === Syntax === myObject.position(); === Returns === * ([[en:code:core:point|Point]]) the window's position ==== opacity ==== Returns the window's opacity. === Syntax === myObject.opacity(); === Returns === * (float) the window's opacity ==== enabled ==== Returns the window's enabled status. === Syntax === myObject.enabled(); === Returns === * (boolean) the window's enabled status ==== visible ==== Returns the window's visible status. === Syntax === myObject.visible(); === Returns === * (boolean) the window's visible status ==== setAcceptMode ==== Sets the accept mode. === Syntax === myObject.setAcceptMode(acceptMode); === Arguments === - acceptMode - ([[#acceptmode|AcceptMode]]) the accept mode === Returns === * (FileDialog) this FileDialog ==== setFileMode ==== Sets the file mode. === Syntax === myObject.setFileMode(fileMode); === Arguments === - fileMode - ([[#filemode|FileMode]]) the file mode === Returns === * (FileDialog) this FileDialog ==== setViewMode ==== Sets the view mode. === Syntax === myObject.setViewMode(viewMode); === Arguments === - viewMode - ([[#viewmode|ViewMode]]) the view mode === Returns === * (FileDialog) this FileDialog ==== setLabelText ==== Sets a label text. === Syntax === myObject.setLabelText(dialogLabel, text); === Arguments === - dialogLabel - ([[#dialoglabel|DialogLabel]]) the dialog label - text - (string) the label text === Returns === * (FileDialog) this FileDialog ==== selectFile ==== Selects a file. === Syntax === myObject.selectFile(filename); === Arguments === - filename - (string) the file to select === Returns === * (FileDialog) this FileDialog ==== selectNameFilter ==== Selects the name filter. === Syntax === myObject.selectNameFilter(filter); === Arguments === - filter - (string) the name filter === Returns === * (FileDialog) this FileDialog ==== setDefaultSuffix ==== Selects the default suffix. === Syntax === myObject.setDefaultSuffix(defaultSuffix); === Arguments === - defaultSuffix - (string) the default suffix === Returns === * (FileDialog) this FileDialog ==== setDirectory ==== Selects the current directory. === Syntax === myObject.setDirectory(directory); === Arguments === - directory - (string) the current directory === Returns === * (FileDialog) this FileDialog ==== setFilter ==== Sets the filters. === Syntax === myObject.setFilter(filters); === Arguments === - filters - ([[#filters|Filters]]) the filters to use === Returns === * (FileDialog) this FileDialog ==== setNameFilter ==== Sets the name filter. === Syntax === myObject.setNameFilter(nameFilter); === Arguments === - nameFilter - (string) the name filter === Returns === * (FileDialog) this FileDialog ==== setNameFilters ==== Sets the name filters. === Syntax === myObject.setNameFilters(nameFilters); === Arguments === - nameFilters - (array) an array of name filters to use === Returns === * (FileDialog) this FileDialog ==== setShowDirectoriesOnly ==== Should the window show directories. === Syntax === myObject.setShowDirectoriesOnly(showDirectoriesOnly); === Arguments === - showDirectoriesOnly - (boolean) show directories only === Returns === * (FileDialog) this FileDialog ==== setDontResolveSymlinks ==== Should the window resolve symbolic links. === Syntax === myObject.setDontResolveSymlinks(dontResolveSymlinks); === Arguments === - dontResolveSymlinks - (boolean) resolve symbolic links === Returns === * (FileDialog) this FileDialog ==== setDontConfirmOverwrite ==== Should the window ask for confirmation when overwriting a file. === Syntax === myObject.setDontConfirmOverwrite(dontConfirmOverwrite); === Arguments === - dontConfirmOverwrite - (boolean) ask for confirmation when overwriting a file === Returns === * (FileDialog) this FileDialog ==== setDontUseNativeDialog ==== Should the window use native a dialog. === Syntax === myObject.setDontUseNativeDialog(dontUseNativeDialog); === Arguments === - dontUseNativeDialog - (boolean) use native a dialog === Returns === * (FileDialog) this FileDialog ==== setReadOnly ==== Should the window show readonly files. === Syntax === myObject.setReadOnly(readOnly); === Arguments === - readOnly - (boolean) show readonly files === Returns === * (FileDialog) this FileDialog ==== setHideNameFilterDetails ==== Hide name filter details. === Syntax === myObject.setHideNameFilterDetails(hideNameFilterDetails); === Arguments === - hideNameFilterDetails - (boolean) hide name filter details === Returns === * (FileDialog) this FileDialog ==== setSidebarUrls ==== Sets the sidebar urls. === Syntax === myObject.setSidebarUrls(sidebarUrls); === Arguments === - sidebarUrls - (array) the sidebar urls === Returns === * (FileDialog) this FileDialog ==== selectedFile ==== Returns the selected file. === Syntax === myObject.selectedFile(); === Returns === * (string) the selected file ==== selectedFiles ==== Returns the selected files. === Syntax === myObject.selectedFiles(); === Returns === * (array) the selected files ==== selectedNameFilter ==== Returns the name filter. === Syntax === myObject.selectedNameFilter(); === Returns === * (string) the selected name filter ==== selectedNameFilter ==== Returns the name filter. === Syntax === myObject.selectedNameFilter(); === Returns === * (string) the selected name filter ==== show ==== Show the window. (non-blocking) Use the [[#onclosed|OnClosed]] event to know when the window has been closed. === Syntax === myObject.show(); === Returns === * (FileDialog) this FileDialog ==== showModal ==== Show the window. (blocking) === Syntax === myObject.showModal(); === Returns === * (integer) the window result (0 means that it has been canceled) ===== Events ===== ==== onClosed ==== Called when the window is closed. === Syntax === myObject.onClosed = function(result) {}; === Arguments === - result - (integer) the window result (0 means that it has been canceled) === Example === myObject.onClosed = function(result) { if(result) { //Event action } }; ==== onCurrentChanged ==== Called when the current file has changed. === Syntax === myObject.onCurrentChanged = function(path) {}; === Arguments === - path - (string) the current file === Example === myObject.onCurrentChanged = function(path) { //Event action }; ==== onDirectoryEntered ==== Called when the current directory has changed. === Syntax === myObject.onDirectoryEntered = function(directory) {}; === Arguments === - directory - (string) the current file === Example === myObject.onDirectoryEntered = function(directory) { //Event action }; ==== onFileSelected ==== Called when the dialog is accepted. === Syntax === myObject.onFileSelected = function(file) {}; === Arguments === - file - (string) the selected file === Example === myObject.onFileSelected = function(file) { //Event action }; ==== onFilesSelected ==== Called when the dialog is accepted. === Syntax === myObject.onFilesSelected = function(files) {}; === Arguments === - files - (array) the selected files, as an array containing filenames === Example === myObject.onFilesSelected = function(files) { //Event action }; ==== onFilterSelected ==== Called when the filter is changed. === Syntax === myObject.onFilterSelected = function(filter) {}; === Arguments === - filter - (string) the new filter === Example === myObject.onFilterSelected = function(filter) { //Event action }; ===== Attributes ===== ==== title ==== The window's title. (string) ==== position ==== The window's position. ([[en:code:core:point|Point]]) ==== opacity ==== The window's opacity. (float) ==== enabled ==== The window's enabled status. (boolean) ==== visible ==== The window's visible status. (boolean) ===== Enumerations ===== ==== AcceptMode ==== Sets the accept mode of the window. === Values === - Open: the dialog is used to open a file - Save: the dialog is used to save to a file ==== FileMode ==== Sets the file mode of the window. === Values === - AnyFile: the selected file has not to exist to be selected - ExistingFile: there is only one file that can be selected and it has to exist - ExistingFiles: zero or more existing file can be selected - Directory: a directory can be selected ==== ViewMode ==== Sets the view mode of the window. === Values === - Detail: show files with details - List: show only the file name and icon ==== DialogLabel ==== The label of the window to edit. === Values === - LookIn: the "look in" label - FileName: the filename label - FileType: the filetype label - Accept: the accept label - Reject: the reject label ==== Filters ==== The filters to use. === Values === - Dirs: list directories - AllDirs: list all directories without applying filters to directory names - Files: list files - Drives: list drives (Windows only) - NoSymLinks: do not list symbolic links (Linux only) - NoDotAndDotDot: do not list the special entries . and .. - NoDot: do not list the special entry . - NoDotDot: do not list the special entry .. - AllEntries: list directories, files and drives (same as Dirs | Files | Drives) - Readable: list readable files - Writable: list writable files - Executable: list executable files - Modified: list modified files (Windows only) - Hidden: list hidden files (on Linux, files starting with a dot) - System: list system files - CaseSensitive: the filter string should be case sensitive === Notes === This is a flag enumeration, this means that you can use multiple values using the | operator. Example : myObject.setFilter(FileDialog.Files | FileDialog.Executable); //List only files that are executable