====== Howto Contribute and Code ====== If you wish to contribute to Actionaz, this page is for you. You find here some indications to help you with the first steps to be able to contribute to **actionaz**. ====== Description of the development environment ====== The source code of Actionaz project can be found on [[https://github.com/Jmgr/actionaz/network|GitHub]] First, you have to duplicate the actionaz repository After, you will configure your local development environment. ===== GitHub Configuration ===== Go to [[http://github.com]], and create a free acount (to do that you must have : a username, an e-mail and a password). After, by searching //actionaz// you'll find the project //Jmgr/actionaz//. By clicking on it you will have a read-only access to all the sources (alias the 'repository'). When you access with your own GitHub account the repository of //Jmgr/actionaz// project you can fork it. To do that you only have to click on the //**Fork**// button on the home page of //Jmgr/actionaz// project. This operation takes only few seconds, and when it is over, you'll be redirected to your new home page of your project (the repository is called : **///actionaz//**) For the GitHub part, the hardest is done, now we will install your local environment. But, we describe only the installation part ... But a daily practicing of **Git/GitHub** requires more skills. To have more details on howto use Git go to the [[en:devel:Git/GitHub|Daily use of Git/GitHub]] page. ===== Local Environment===== ==== Ubuntu Case ==== **Git** (inspired from : [[http://www.tech-juice.org/2012/05/07/setting-up-gitgithub-on-ubuntu-in-five-minutes/]]) : 1- Install git $ sudo apt-get install git-core git-doc 2- Configure git $ git config --global user.name "UserName" $ git config --global user.email "myemail@provider.fr" Enable colors when outputting to terminal: $ git config --global color.ui true 3- Generate Cryptographic keys [Be sure to have a passphrase ready] $ ssh-keygen -t rsa -C "myemail@provider.fr" -f ~/.ssh/git_rsa 4- Add Public Key to GitHub Copy all contents of ''~/.ssh/git_rsa.pub'' and add it to your Github profile. 5- Tell SSH to use the new Key $ ssh-add ~/.ssh/git_rsa 6- Test connection to GitHub $ ssh -T git@github.com Hi ! You've successfully authenticated, but GitHub does not provide shell access. 7- Clone the repository and start coding $ git clone git@github.com:/actionaz.git ---- **QT and minimum stuff to compile :** 1- The required packages to compile the project sudo apt-get install build-essential libqt4-dev qtmobility-dev libxtst-dev libnotify-dev libopencv-dev libboost-dev qtscript-tools 2- Installing QTcreator It is not mandatory, but this tool give a lot of confort to the developper. It's up to you. sudo apt-get install qtcreator 3- Howto respect the coding convention For actionaz project, use Tab of 4 characters. In QTcreator go to the //Tools// entry of the main menu, then //Options...//. In the new window select //C++//, duplicate the original configuration and name it actionaz. You can select the options to have a coding style compatible with the actionaz project. ==== Windows Case ==== TODO ===== Howto Compile Actionaz ? ===== * Go in the directory containing the sources, then : $ qmake -r $ make * To compile messages in your own language : $ make locale_release To translate strings in the source code, go to the page [[en:devel:translate|translate]] * To launch your version of ''actionaz'' : $ ./actionaz ---- ===== Going to see the code ? ===== Your development environment is ready ! We can go fight with the [[en:devel:code_source|code]] ! The project coding-style is described [[en:devel:coding-style|here]] ---- Other languages for this page : [[fr:devel|(fr)]]