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Actionaz adds a lot of new objects to the JavaScript (EcmaScript) language.

Each object contains items. Items are:

  • Methods, called with an object:
var w = new Window(); //Calls the method close() from a previously created Window object
Window().close(); //Calls the method close() from a Window object created inline
  • Functions, called without an object:
Window.all(); //Calls the function all()
  • Variables:
Script.nextLine = 4; //Sets the next script execution line to 4
Console.print("The next line is: " + Script.nextLine); //Writes an entry in the execution console with the next line
  • Attributes, called with an object:
var size = new Size();
size.x = 6;
  • Enumerations: TODO

Actions can also add some objects. Embedded objects are :



Encoding represents a string encoding.


  1. Native: native encoding
  2. Ascii: ascii encoding
  3. Latin1: latin1 encoding
  4. UTF8: utf-8 encoding
code.1295804166.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2021/02/13 11:23 (external edit)