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Get & compile the latest version

Please note: this is to compile actiona up to version 3.8.0. Version 3.9.0 and higher require Qt5 instead of Qt4 and are simpler to compile. An update of this page is still required.


  1. Install Visual Studio 2015 (Community edition should work)
  2. Install Qt (5.2.0 or more recent, QtScript is needed)
  3. Install QtCreator
  4. Install OpenCV binaries for Windows (version 2.x)
  5. Install Boost (headers only, no need to compile it)
  6. Open using QtCreator
  7. In the "Projects" tab, in "additional arguments", add:
    1. OPENCV_LIB="Path to the OpenCV library folder" (where all the .lib are)
    2. OPENCV_INCLUDE="Path to the OpenCV include path" (containing the opencv2 folder)
    3. OPENCV_LIB_CORE=Name of the core library filename (for example opencv_core249)
    4. OPENCV_LIB_IMGPROC=Name of the imgproc library filename (for example opencv_imgproc249)
    5. BOOST_INCLUDE="Path to the Boost include folder" (containing the "boost" folder)
  8. Compile
  9. Copy the opencv_corexxx.dll and opencv_imgproc.dll files from the OpenCV install path to the build directory containing all the binaries that where built in the previous step
  10. Run



First download

We need Git, a C++ compiler (that can compile C++11 code, so for GCC, version 4.7 or better), Qt and all dependencies:

sudo apt-get install git-core build-essential qt4-qmake libqt4-dev qtmobility-dev libxtst-dev libnotify-dev libopencv-dev libboost-dev qtscript-tools

If you want to use SQL databases you will also have to install the corresponding bindings, for instance, MySQL:

sudo apt-get install libqt4-sql-mysql

Get the code.

git clone git://

Enter the actionaz directory:

cd actionaz

Then build.

qmake -r && make

To run actionaz, enter:



To update your version, open a terminal, go to the actionaz directory and enter

git pull
qmake -r
en/compilation.1476004225.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/02/13 11:23 (external edit)