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End procedure

This action allows you to end a procedure declaration.

A procedure contains actions inserted between a Begin procedure action and a End procedure action. A procedure can be called using a Call procedure action or any "If true/false/etc" parameter. When the actions contained within the procedure have been executed the execution automatically jumps after the action that made the procedure call.

Procedures have the following limitations:

  • Each procedure has an unique, non-empty name that cannot be dynamically set
  • Is not allowed to declare a procedure within another procedure
  • Each Begin procedure action has to have exactly one End procedure action
  • Variables declared within the procedure will be kept outside the procedure (this is not the case in most programming languages)
  • Procedures doesn't have any parameters (yet)

Note also that:

  • Recursive calls are allowed (a procedure can call itself)
  • You can call a procedure before it is declared
  • You should not use any Goto action, conditional actions, nor jump outside the procedure because doing this will prevent the execution to go back to the calling action
  • You should not mix gotos and procedures

[Added in Actionaz 3.4.0.]

Standard parameters

This action does not have any parameters


en/actions/actionendprocedure.txt · Last modified: 2021/02/13 11:23 by